Major Charles Yate VC - 2nd Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

The King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Museum

DANUM Gallery, Library and Museum
South Yorkshire

The following Victoria Crosses are held by the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Museum
Rank First Name Last Name King's Own Yorkshire LI Museum
First World War ( 1914 - 1918 )
Lieutenant Colonel Harry GREENWOOD 9th Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Sergeant John William ORMSBY 2nd Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Major Charles Allix YATE 2nd Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

Location of other King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry VCs
Rank First Name Last Name Location
Sergeant Laurence CALVERT Lord Ashcroft Gallery, Imperial War Museum
Major Wilfred EDWARDS York Castle Museum
Captain Frederick William HOLMES Not publicly held
Private Horace WALLER Not publicly held
Co Sergeant Major Charles WARD Not publicly held

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10 August 2003