17 July 2002

Medal entitlement of Lieutenant Colonel Harry Greenwood - 9th Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
  • Victoria Cross
  • Distinguished Service Order ( DSO ) & Bar
  • Officer, The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire ( OBE )
  • Military Cross ( MC )
  • Queen's South Africa Medal ( 1899-1902 )
    • 4 clasps:
    • "Cape Colony" - "Orange Free State" - "Johannesburg" - "Diamond Hill"
  • King's South Africa Medal ( 1902 )
    • 2 clasps:
    • "South Africa 1901" - "South Africa 1902"
  • 1914 - 15 Star
  • British War Medal ( 1914-20 )
  • Victory Medal ( 1914-19 ) + MiD Oakleaf
  • Defence Medal ( 1939-45 )
  • War Medal ( 1939-45 )
  • King George V Silver Jubilee Medal ( 1935 )
  • King George VI Coronation Medal ( 1937 )

At a small ceremony held in Doncaster on the 17th July 2002, the family of Lieutenant Colonel Harry Greenwood donated his Victoria Cross medal group to the Regimental Museum of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry in Doncaster.

For the award of the Victoria Cross.

[ London Gazette, 26 December 1918 ]. Ovillers, France, 23 - 24 October 1918, T / Major ( Acting Lieutenant Colonel ), Harry Greenwood DSO, MC, comd 9th Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.

For most conspicuous and devotion to duty and fine leadership. When the advance of his battalion on the 23rd October was checked, and many casualties caused by an enemy machine-gun post, Lieutenant Colonel Greenwood single-handed rushed the post and killed the crew.

At the entrance to the village of Ovillers, accompanied by two battalion runners, he again rushed a machine-gun post and killed the occupants. On reaching the objective west of Duke's Wood his command was almost surrounded by hostile machine-gun posts, and the enemy at once attacked his isolated force. The attack was repulsed and, led by Lieutenant Colonel Greenwood, his troops swept forward and captured the last objective, with 150 prisoners, eight machine-guns and one field gun.

During the attack on the Green Line south of Poix Du Nord, on 24th October, he again displayed the greatest gallantry in rushing a machine-gun post, and he showed conspicuously good leadership in the handling of his command in the face of heavy fire. He inspired his men in the highest degree, with the result that the objective was captured, and, in spite of heavy casualties, the line was held.

During the further advance on Grand Gay Farm Road, on the afternoon of 24th October, the skilful and bold handling of his battalion was productive of most important results, not only on securing the flank of his brigade, but also in safeguarding the flank of the division. His valour and leading during two days of fighting were beyond all praise.

Harry Greenwood was invested with the Victoria Cross, and the Bar to his DSO, by King George V at Buckingham Palace on the 8th May 1919.

For the award of a Military Cross ( MC )

[ London Gazette, 14 January 1916 ], Captain Harry Greenwood, 9th Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.

On 26 September 1915 for actions near Hill 70 at Loos. No citation.

For the award of the Distinguished Service Order ( DSO )

[ London Gazette, 26 July 1918 ], T / Major Harry Greenwood MC, comd 9th Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during two heavy attacks, made under cover of mist, which were repulsed, but a hostile machine-gun detachment which succeeded in getting within 50 yards of the line suffered the troops severely and an officer and two men ran back to cover. The battalion being very short of machine gunners owing to casualties, Greenwood, with an NCO rushed out with greatest daring, found an officer and men hiding in a hollow with a heavy machine-gun, and made them carry it back, being all the time under intense fire. The gun was used later on the enemy with great effect.

For the award of a Bar to the Distinguished Service Order ( DSO )

[ London Gazette, 2 December 1918 ], A / Lieutenant Colonel Harry Greenwood DSO, MC, comd 9th Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.

For conspicuous gallantry during an attack. Although ill, Greenwood refused to leave his battalion and led the first line to the attack, and after being injured by the bursting of a shell captured the first objective. On reaching the second objective he organised his battalion and another, and took up a defensive position from which he beat off two enemy counter-attacks and held his ground until relieved. Next day, when the advance was held up by very heavy machine-gun fire, he made daring reconnaissance, with the result that he succeeded in getting round the enemy's flank. Throughout he set a splendid example of pluck and devotion to duty to all ranks.


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Iain Stewart, 17 July 2002